Why use DatingLeads’s Smartlink?

Why use DatingLeads’s Smartlink? Would it not be perfect to be in the knowledge you are sending your dating traffic to a tracking link that is optimized to bring you the highest EPC possible without any need to optimize yourself? Well, rest assured as DatingLeads has you covered with our Optimised ready-to-go Smartlink! Our Smartlink […]
Why should Dating Affiliates connect to our API?

Why should Dating Affiliates connect to our API? As we all know, pushing traffic to the right dating offer can be a tricky beast. It’s an ever-growing competitive market! Now more than ever we need to find ways to stay ahead of the curve by diversifying our strategies on how and where we push traffic, […]
Why you should be using Email Passing and One-Click Flow Landers TODAY!

Email Passing and One-Click Flow LANDERS Email marketing and using the emails of the end-user while marketing is one of the most popular and most effective ways to generate that sweet ROI. Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing for a reason and is a technique used globally by all the […]
We launched Israel!

Our Dating Offers now available in Israel! As promised we brought more Geos, we are super excited, hope you are also!! Israelis are not only HOT in the weather… are also in the dating offer ♥️ and for them is quite common dating, and usually begins in mid to late teenage years. SOI payouts are […]